Here is a photo from a recent trip to Venice. I know it looks like it was taken in the 19th century. That is partly Venice and partly me. I guess. It is part of a series i am working on about my childhood, which was NOT in the 19th century, obviously. But it is about memory and recovering how I felt as a kid, which was mostly sort of happy and sort of scared. I don't know. I am sorting it out. Trying to recover my memories and translate them to film. I call it nostalgia, because we are all nostalgic in a way for something. I went to Venice when i was 20 and worked as an intern at the Guggenheim Museum there. It was the greatest thing I had ever done. I fell in love with Venice. Figured out my way around and felt as if I owned it. I lived there off and on in my twenties, and everytime it was marvelous, but it can also be the most melancholic place in the world. Those were the days before the internet, so I really felt cut off from the US and on my own. The beauty of Venice is breathtaking.
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